It is my honour to serve as the first General Secretary of International Needs, which is made up of more than 30 organizations operating in some of the most difficult regions in the world. Simply stated, our purpose is to show God’s love and compassion, to see lives transformed and communities changed.

I’m sure you’ll agree the world today is a rich and diverse place, a tapestry of ethnicities, faiths, and beliefs. It is not our place to judge anyone different from ourselves; instead, we seek peace and fellowship with those of all traditions. Under the bond of true friendship, we strive to earn the trust, and privilege, to serve our neighbours in practical, relevant ways.

Our promise, dear brothers and sisters, is that we come in love.

Edmond Vanderpuye, General Secretary

Everything affecting the human experience is changing. And as this change accelerates, we feel the impact of globalization, the digital revolution, and the rising influence of economic and political power. How can we in good conscience stay silent in the face of poverty, war, disease, and climate change? With all the challenges facing this generation, it is our duty to respond, and we will not stand by while people struggle.  

International Needs has a heart for those who cry out in the darkness of our world. We bring healing to the sick, hope to the vulnerable, shelter to the refugee, freedom to the prisoner, help to widows and orphans, and justice to the exploited and oppressed. We believe all those who suffer can be transformed by the incredible power of love.  

There’s a very practical aspect to our work, where we focus on the physical needs of individuals and communities. On a deeper level, we operate in a holistic manner, at the intersection of the physical and spiritual, where the heavenly kingdom permeates everything on earth. Indeed, God’s word is at the core of everything we do. While it’s important to us to live out our faith, we do not force our beliefs on anyone; nor do we ask anything in return.

International Needs is a formal federation of autonomous partners who unite under a common purpose and charter. The organization is governed by an International Congress of Delegates from partner countries.

An Executive Committee is elected from among the delegates to provide strategic guidance between sessions of Congress.

A Global Office provides coordination and support for all partners under the leadership of a General Secretary, currently based in Ghana.

Each official partner has corporate registration and a board of directors.

Lead Partners and Support Partners are independent but work bilaterally on programmes, projects, and other activities. These partnerships are guided by God’s love with a commitment to seeing lives transformed and communities changed.

International Needs Inc. is a registered Charitable Society under New Zealand law and a member of the World Evangelical Alliance.

Congress 2019

International Needs Inc. was founded in 1974 by Ray Harrison, who worked passionately to develop a new form of ministry that brought together Christian partners from around the world. The model, revolutionary at the time, relied on indigenous partners to lead the local mission and development work, with global partners playing a support role.

The idea was based on the notion that those who live in a community are in the best position to pursue transformation within their culture and context. This approach is now an accepted standard for global development.

We’re grateful to Ray for his vision and faithful servant leadership. He was called home to heaven in 2019, but his legacy lives on in many lives and communities around the world, and we celebrate a life lived to the glory of God.